The Afro-Asian Union (AAU) is:

Leading educational institution in the Arab world
Headquartered in Cairo, Egypt,
With numerous branches across Arab countries.
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To become the leading destination for professional education in the Arab world by empowering individuals and institutions to optimize their capabilities and resources, thereby building a generation of professionals in various legal and administrative specialties in the Middle East.
To establish branches across all Arab countries in Africa and Asia, facilitating attendance and enrollment in all our academic disciplines, thereby enhancing the spread of professional education in our region.
Meet Our Instructor

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Refaat
Professor of Public International Law and former President of Beni Suef UniversityDr. Ahmed Fawzi
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Beni Suef University and Advisor to the Speaker of the Bahraini ParliamentDr. Khaled Musa Tony
Professor and Head of the Criminal Law Department At the Dubai Police AcademyDr. Wael Othman
Entrepreneurship expertDr. Zainab Qutb
International trainer in protocol, etiquette and body languageDr. Doaa Muhammad Youssef
Professor of political mediaDr. Baher Al-Bashbishi
International arbitrator and Fellow of the British Royal Society of ArbitratorsDr. Essam El-Zanati
Former Vice President of Assiut University The former Dean of Law and the Cultural Attaché of Egypt to Canada
حبيت اشكر الأتحاد علي الاهتمام و الدكاتره في دراستي للماجستير لقيادة المراه العربيه 🙏🏻❤️

Hafsa ibrahim
حابة اشكركم كتير عن الإفادة و المحاضرين كتير بيساعدوا و بيحولوا ان كتير يوصلون المعلومه بطريقة سهله و بسيطة للكل و كتير استفادة في تحضير الرسالةو الاشراف عليها حاب اشكركم كتير عن كل التعاملات الممتازة 🥰🌸🌸💐💐💐

Balsam Al-Ayoub
احب أشكركم على المجهودات الرائعه المقدمه من الاتحاد الافرو اسيوي وحقيقي الدراسه فادتني كتير وشكرا للمحاضرين على مجهوداتهم وطريقة القائهم ومرونتهم في طريقة الدراسه 🙏🏻

Dalida mohamed